Value Pricing

If you have a metric you want to drive up (or down), you’re in the right place. 

Let's move a needle

Want more trial customers or appointments? Maybe less churn or fewer bounces?

Let’s get the right message out to prospects — and draw them into your world.

Okay, let’s build your project!

(Each client requires the The Hook)

The Hook

($1,700, the required first step)

The Hook is a messaging clinic, where we craft the angles, headlines, and positions that tell prospects their story, with you or your client in it.

This is how Dean finds (or invents) the sales story, the Halo Niche, and the ideas and concepts that’ll grip prospects. 

Over 300 companies have done this clinic. Bring up to 3 other people from your client’s company, including non-marketers.

The Hook includes a 19-question worksheet, and a 1-to-1 live session (about an hour) with Dean. When it’s done, he’ll write (or fix) something using the new messaging.

For many projects, this is all you need.

The Hook includes a workbook, and a 1-to-1 live session (about an hour) with Dean. When it’s done, he’ll write (or fix) something for the real world using the new messaging.

The Hook is required for all customers. For many projects it’s all you need.

Project bigger than one page? Add on now or in the future.

Pages ($1100 each)

Buy as needed. Includes landing pages, product pages, short video scripts, and 1-pagers. Typically up to 400 words (longer writing is available, check with Dean).

(with The Hook already purchased)

(with The Hook already purchased)

There are small pieces, too.

Elements ($225 each)

Elements are short pieces, typically 100 words or less. 

Examples: marketing/sales emails; ads; encouragement to fill in a form, book a demo or schedule a sales call; website footers and pop-ups; signs or titles for events, and podcast or team member bios.


Lead Magnets and booklets are only available by special arrangement, even if they’re under 400 words.

Content writing is not available. This includes blog posts, articles, and or non-conversion-oriented social media posts. Additionally, white papers, use cases, and “special reports” are not available.

And, everything Dean works on will be available for his portfolio and other marketing purposes unless agreed to beforehand. 

Prices are subject to change. Purchases are made with a credit card.

© 2025 All Rights Reserved.

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