Make them ghost the other CMOs

Flaunt your network of specialists, starting with me. I write the first thing prospects (and CEOs) see.

What triggered your prospect?
What do they be their problem on?

Help them uncover their next perfect message .

I’ll walk them through entertaining thought-provoking questions. Then create brand-aware story angles, headlines that resonate with their prospects, and new outreach collateral. — all coordinated with you.

The process is fast, instantly useful, and impressive. A typical project takes as little as 3 days.

Order up great copywriting like it’s a pizza. Agencies and fCMOs get reseller pricing. You can whitelabel, resell or pass through the costs, whichever you prefer.

This approach has FANS...

Dean's focus is finding an easy, interesting path to get prospects into a relationship with your client. It’s such a great concept, and expertly executed.
Katie Walter, CMO
Katie Walter, fCMO
The live writing sessions with Dean were just impressive. I’d never seen anyone go from zero to polished copy so fast live and in front of the client.
Jen Hamilton, fCOO
Dean's done great work for my clients. We've recommended him whenever we could. If you're a fractional CMO, get to know him.
Michele Tresemer, fCMO

Why it works


This is strictly top-of-funnel writing with fast turnaround.

Agency Level

The copywriting and production process are top notch

Shows Results

Homepages, landing pages, emails and ads. Measurable stuff.


If the client doesn't think it's valuable, I'll make it right

Show near-instant progress with the client, from Day 1.

Grab 15 minutes with Dean to see how it works.

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