Get Up Close
From The Start

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“Up Close From The Start: Write to Tomorrow’s Customers Like You’ve Known Them Forever” is a guide for effective headline writing to engage potential customers. 

It outlines seven principles to help writers create compelling and attention-grabbing headlines:

  1. Urgency and Novelty: Capture attention instantly by addressing urgent or novel aspects.
  2. Negative Present and Positive Future: Highlight the current problem and a desirable future.
  3. Aspiration: Inspire readers by painting a better future.
  4. Assertion: Be clear and assertive to help readers feel secure.
  5. Break Reality: Challenge readers’ perceptions to engage them.
  6. Do the Work: Simplify the message, making it easy for readers.
  7. Subtext Persuasion: Use subtext to let readers create their own stories.

The guide also includes examples and practical advice for applying these principles in various contexts.

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